Citizen Charter
- Introduction
- Vision, Mission and Objectives of Science& Technology Department
- Organizational Structure
- Business transacted
- Service Provided
- List of clients of Science & TechnologyDepartment
- Expectations from Clients
- Grievance Redress Mechanism
- Review
- Introduction
- Vision , Mission and Objectives of the Department
- Organizational Structure
- Business transacted
- Service Provided
- List of clients of Science & TechnologyDepartment
- Expectations from Clients
- Grievance Redress Mechanism
- Review
The Science & Technology Department of Government of Assam was created on 21st November 1982. Its main aim to provide S&T inputs for sustained economic development of the State and also to promote activities connected with (a) Harnessing of Solar, Wind, Biomass and other forms of non-conventional and renewable energy. (b) Investigation of sites for harnessing microhydel resources and implementing projects related thereto (c) Scientific land use to improve productivity through remote sensing and GIS techniques and for (e) Popularising the use of Science for socio-economic benefit. Citizen’s Charter is a comprehensive document which represents a systematic and transparent effort to focus on the commitment of the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Assam towards its citizens/clients in respect of standard of services, information, choice and consultation, non-discrimination accessibility, grievance redressal mechanism, courtesy and value of service rendered. The charter also includes expectations of the Department from the citizen/client for fulfilling the commitment and various functions.
The objective of the charter exercise is to introduce transparency and exchange of information between citizens and administration of the department and to streamline administration in tune with the needs of citizens. For this transformative process to materialize, three elements have been incorporated in the charter-
- Clarity at every level about the objectives of charter as a policy instrument.
- Designing and delivery of the charter as an instrument of citizen-administration interface.
- Evolving mechanisms for charter monitoring, charter evaluation and periodic charter review. Also, evolving a system of acknowledging effectiveness in charter implementation.
The department’s citizen’s charter documents the provided services/transactions and the related objectives and targets. It is imperative for the Department to strive for improvement in performance through implementation of its citizen’s charter.
Vision , Mission and Objectives of the Department
- Vision
- Mission
- Objectives of the Department
Vision: To excel in science and technology for all round development of the state.
1. Popularization of S&T innovations among students.
2. Application of Remote sensing technology for natural resource management for planning and development.
3. Enhancing the use of new and renewable energy sources and devices for bridging the gap of energy requirements and capacity building there on.
4. Supporting business environment, spreading innovative products, process & methods as well as distinctive knowledge & skills.
Objectives of the Department.
1. To formulate policies on various aspects of science, technology which are in the interest of the state and the country.
2. To implement schemes of the Govt. of India, Govt. of Assam, North-Eastern Council and other public bodies on science, technology through subordinate organization’s under the Department..
3. To promote research in the field of science, technology in Assam by providing financial support to the scientists, technical persons and experts working in institutions and organizations in the state.
Organizational Structure
Business transacted
- Preparation of data base
- Preparation of Plan
- Preparation of Annual Financial statement
- Policy and Decision making.
- Formation of Governing Body of ASTEC, AEDA, BIO-TECH PARK.
- Budget preparation/communication.
- Approval of Rules and Regulations of subordinate offices.
Service Provided
Sl No | Services | Conditions | Timeline/ Flow | Fees | Contact Officer | |
1 | Issuing of Administrative Approval | a) Proposal b) Budget provision c) Submission of Plan and Estimate d) Technical sanction e)Concurrence of the Finance Deptt. f) Approval of the P&D Deptt. |
45 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt. | ||
2 | Issuing of Financial sanction | a)Proposal b)Budget Provision c)Check List d) Priority list e) Utilisation Certificate and expenditure statement of the previous sanction f)Concurrence of the finance Department. g)Approval of the P&D Department h)Photographic evidence of physical progress of the work. |
30 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt. | ||
3 | Issuing of Fixation of Ceiling (FOC) | a) Ceiling Proposal b) Copy of Sanction letter. c)Checklist of Finance Deptartment d) FOC from the Finance Department. |
20 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt. | ||
4 | Issuing of Sanctioning of Leave | a)Application in prescribed form. b) Leave admissibility report. c) Medical Certificate in case of leave on medical ground |
7-10 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt. | ||
5 | Sending Pension paper to Accountant General Office. | a) Application in proper format and other requisite papers. b)Service Book. |
10 - 15 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt | ||
6 | Issuing of NOC for Study Tour, Passport, Foreign Tour & Training abroad etc. | a) Application in proper format b) clearance of Political Vigilance Deptt. in respect of passport, Foreign Tour & Trai-ning outside the state etc. |
30 days. | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt | ||
7 | Sanction of GPF Advance ( refundable and non refundable ) | a) application in proper format b) Latest GPF statement c) last pay drawn statement |
20- 25 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt. | ||
8 | Issuing of Information under RTI Act. | a) Transfer of petition to other department / offices for furnishing of information to the petitioner if necessary. b) Give information to the petitioner. |
30 days | Rs. 10/- per petition and Rs. 2/- per copy for furnishing photocopies of the document to the petitioner if necessary. | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt | |
9 | Issuing of Appointment | a) Advertisement directly or through APSC b) Scrutiny of application received for interview process. c)Constitute of selection committee for direct recruitment. d) issue of Calling letter d) Interview e) Result f)Issue of appointment letter |
60 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt | ||
10 | Uploading of the rules/Acts/ Notifications/Office Memorandum/Office Order/Other important communication etc. on the website. | 2-3 days | Additional Secretary/ Jt.. Secy. / Dy. secy. of S&T Deptt |
List of clients of Science & TechnologyDepartment
- Directorate of Science &Technology , Assam
- Guwahati Planetarium
- Assam Science Technology & Environment Council
- Assam Energy Development Agency
- Guwahati Biotech Park
- Institute of Advanced Studies in Science & Technology
- T E R I
- Pragjyotish Amateur Astronomer Association
- Assam Science Society
Expectations from Clients
Timely submission of the following information:
- Utilization certificates (UCs) in prescribed format .
- Submission of quotations, agreements and other documents on requirement
- Submission of Action Plan as per required standard under the concerned scheme.
- Proposals complete in all respects with requisite documents containing correct and reliable information as per the prescribed format and standard
- Response to queries relating to proposal
- Report on physical and financial progress for funds released under various programmes
- Presentation before the expert committee on requirements.
- To keep proper financial records and data of the financial assistance received from the Department.
Grievance Redress Mechanism
A Nodal Officer is appointed for redressal of public Grievance in the Department to attend to the complaints/queries of the stakeholders and citizen’s. The main function of the Nodal Officer is to ensure timely redressal of public grievances by taking up the matter with the concerned authorities.
Grievances may be submitted in plain paper to the following address:
Smt. Bijoylakshmi Baruah Gogoi, ACS
Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Science & Technology Department.
Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Block- D, 4th Floor.
Ph. No. : 9435733341 (M).8
If not satisfied , grievances may be submitted to :
The Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Science & Technology Department, Dispur, Assam.
This Citizens Charter will be reviewed annually . Provide valuable suggestion / feedback for improvement of quality of services