Patent Information Centre

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 The Patent Information Centre (PIC) is an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) facilitation centre in the public domain that is functioning at the State Science & Technology Councils of the different states in India. The PIC extends support to the inventors/innovators in registering their Intellectual Property(IP) and also creates awareness on IPR.

In the state of Assam, the PIC is functioning at the office of Assam Science Technology & Environment Council (ASTEC) and it functions under the Science & Technology(S&T) Division of the council. The PIC in Assam was setup by the Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) of Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of S&T, Govt. of India, in 2003. The PIC is currently supported by the Department of S&T, Govt. of India and Department of S&T, Govt. of Assam.
The PIC functions mainly on the following objectives

To create awareness about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), especially patents, in the state of Assam and neighboring region of this centre and enable patent search for the universities, industries, government departments and R&D institutions in the state and around.
To analyze the patent information on a regular basis and suggest new programmes for R&D based on such information
To guide the inventors in respect of patenting their inventions

Further, the extended functions of the PIC are to support people for securing protection for other IPs like Trademark, Design, Copyright, Geographical Indication etc. and also for post application matters. The officials of the PIC deliver IPR- talks, lectures at various programmes for sensitization of the masses. The PIC is serving as a resource body for state, national and international seminars, workshops, refresher courses etc.
The PIC had also setup four IPR Cells- one each at Gauhati University, Tezpur University, Dibrugarh University and Bodoland University respectively. The IPR Cells help the PIC to render IPR services through the said Universities.
A remarkable achievement of the PIC is registering the first Geographical Indication (GI) of the state of Assam- Muga Silk of Assam, in 2006. The said GI already has 115 registered Authorized Users and more are being applied for. The PIC also maintains the registered GI- Muga Silk of Assam and conducts GI Inspection Body and GI Logo sub-committee meetings from time to time.

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